Friday, February 11, 2005

adding to the noise...

I guess I'm a little late in the blog game. The trendiness has come and gone (much like with Napoleon Dynamite). Chances are if you're reading this, you're me... or maybe a friend I've pestered into checking me out in the blogosphere. Chances are you've also got a million other things you could be doing right now, including reading all those other blogs with good music links, great thoughts, and pertinent details on that girl (or guy) that you're internet stalking. That's the best-of-times-worst-of-times reality of our information saturated world. Everything at your fingertips, convenient and overwhelming at the very same time. (Overwhelmingly convenient or conveniently overwhelming?)

I'm probably just adding to the noise... but at least in my own unique way. Or maybe in a way closely mirroring the writings of Don Miller - I like him - and I say that with a staunch record of heterosexuality. You'll find in my writing or blogging or what have you, that I use lots of parentheses (b/c I like to cram in as many asides as possible, to come off as witty and ironic as possible), and that I use lots of ellipses... b/c I just can't seem to end anything... you could even call me the king of ellipses...

Hopefully you'll find some good thoughts here, or at least some slightly amusing ones. Maybe you'll get to know me a little bit better, that is if you think I'm worthy of internet stalking... or maybe you'll have your life enriched by my pointing you towards the books, music, and people that I find really great. If nothing else you'll probably get some Ryan Adams lyrics and C.S. Lewis quotes, b/c they're much higher up in the wordsmith echelon than I am; and b/c sometimes I like to recycle the noise instead of just adding to it...


Blogger Brett said...

Will- Musings is still number one on my speed dial, or the blog equivalent: my links. I consider this a chance to better my game, a Musings proving grounds if you will. I'll continue to submit my best thoughts to Musings in the honest hope that they'll be postable.

12:13 PM  

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