Remember Guster? They of Keep it Together, Lost and Gone Forever, Goldfly, and Parachute fame?

They're back, with a vengence. And by with a vengence I mean recording a new album. Brian Rosenworcel, their drummer, is journaling the creative process (along with the galaga playing). Maybe I'm an information junkie, but I always find that making-of stuff intriguing. You can (and really should) check out their studio journal here.
Or you can just practice your jowling. Can we get Eddie Sutton in on this?

They're back, with a vengence. And by with a vengence I mean recording a new album. Brian Rosenworcel, their drummer, is journaling the creative process (along with the galaga playing). Maybe I'm an information junkie, but I always find that making-of stuff intriguing. You can (and really should) check out their studio journal here.
Or you can just practice your jowling. Can we get Eddie Sutton in on this?
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