crime scene evidence

In case you missed it this past week, Ryan Adams was on Austin City Limits. I don't say that so that I can launch into some thoughts about how great what you missed was and how you should forever carry with you a deep regret for missing the event. I just wanted you to know that if you missed Ryan Adams on ACL last week, you can download video of the performance here:
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Games
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Cold Roses
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Hard Way To Fall
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Call Me on Your Way Back Home
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Now That You're Gone
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: Let It Ride
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals :: A Kiss Before I Go
All clips care of An Aquarium Drunkard, which is firmly entrenched in my pantheon of great lyric inspired blog names. (I realize the narrow scope of such a pantheon.)
It was a subdued, slightly haunting, set from Adams and company. The highlights for me were Hard Way To Fall, Call Me On Your Way Back Home, and Now That You're Gone. The video quality on these isn't perfect, but the sound is excellent. I think they would look and sound great on a video iPod, which means that this post is pretty much just for Ian, and for Paul when he gets around to getting his new white baby.
SIDENOTE: Does anyone find it ironic that the word blog is not in blogger's spell check list? That's the purest irony I've experienced all day.
i missed the show because i was reading my bible. the videos do look good on my pod but everyone seems really skinny.
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