Sufjan, a Quiet Interlude

So it's been 9 months since Illinois, the proper gestation period for a human child, and people are antsy for Sufjan to birth another record. Speculation is rampant. People want additional states Sufjan, they want their states. Waiting for your state's treatment by Sufjan is kind of like waiting for your state to have its own quarter. It's just a quarter - you know it'll be worth twenty-five pennies, it's just a Sufjan album - you know it'll be stunning, but when it's your state on the quarter or your state on the album you get all haughty and fuzzy on the inside. Anyway, no official word on the the next state to get lucky with Sufjan, but people with large amounts of time and huge word banks have taken to coming up with potential track lists. Here's one for Texas, which I thought was a fun(ny) read:
1 - Stephen F. Austin Was A Friend of Mine
2 - From A Library On A Hill, Or Lyndon Baines Johnson Talks On The Telephone While Sitting On The John
3 - The Galleria Mall Fountain Song
4 - George H.W. Bush Claims A Houston Hotel Room As His Permanent Residence, But The I.N.S. Takes Exception To Jose Gutierrez of Juarez, Mexico's Attempt To Do The Same
5 - Texarcana, And Other Obscure Facts about Our Borders
6 - Oh, I-10, You Bisect This Great State with Love
7 - South Padre Island Is Not So Fun In The Wintertime
8 - Galveston Recovers From The Great Hurricane, But Never Recaptures It's Former Grandeur
9 - Black Gold, Texas Tea
10 - On The Contemplation Of The Stars At Night In Big Bend National Park And The Corresponding Sense Of Desolate Isolation
11 - Paris
12 - Old El Paso Is Not Just a Brand of Condiments, They Also Have A Pretty Good Basketball Team Out There
13 - Remember The Alamo Dome!
14 - Stanley Korshack Rules Dallas Retail with A Velvet Glove
15 - The River Walk Forever, Or How Davy Crockett Built A Canal To Nowhere
16 - It's Easy To Forget That Mission Control and Gilley's Are Less Than A Mile From Each Other
17 - Hakeem, the Dream!
18 - Ann Richards, We Shall Remember You (And Especially Your Hair) When You Are Gone
[care of randominnyc]
Speaking of Sufjan and babies, there was that whole human child hulabaloo care of Pitchfork and Rosie Thomas the other week.

My vote is for Virginia. Or New Jersey. Two places close to my heart. As was Michigan (mom's land). So since I've already been sated by one of my 4, I'll go with Texas --- very funny possibilities. I'll have to muse on what VA would be...
As mentioned in passing the other day - good ol Suf (as I call him) gets a very healthy shout-out on the new Snow Patrol album, a most worthwhile listen itself!
Hello Brett. I would like to make a formal request to be removed from the As Good as Dead list and be reinstated as an active blogger. Please?
Also, *I've* been listening to Voxtrot lately- thanks to you!
Number 14 is my favorite! And remember the Alamo Dome is a good one too. Now that the Spurs are gone, it's a pile a metal that graces the sky of San Antonio on a crisp clear night. Memories...
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