Whiskeytown, revived.
Whiskeytown is back, kind of. The band that helped launch Ryan Adams solo career (as in when they broke up, he set out on his own) put out some great albums in their own right. Pneumonia is a must own. If you own more the 10 albums and do not own Pneumonia, I cast a look of disrespect in your general direction.

Regardless of your Whiskeytown fan status, you should check out the song The Battle by Caitlin Cary, the former violinist/background vocalist of Whiskeytown. It features Ryan Adams, and so is vintage Whiskeytown at its finest. You can buy it on iTunes. It only costs 99 cents, which is essentially free (if you round down).
Best line: You mine for silver / I pan for gold. For eight words, that sure says a lot.
Alex Dupree played a house show at Will's tonight. It was amazing. I wish I could post some of his music, but I can't, on account of my inability to find any. The show might very well become the stuff of legend. I would have loved the music without the words, I would have loved the words without the music; combined I just sat there dreading the end. The banjo and mandolin didn't hurt either. I'll let you all know the next time he has a show (house or otherwise).
Anyone that went care to write any legend-esque tales about the night?

Regardless of your Whiskeytown fan status, you should check out the song The Battle by Caitlin Cary, the former violinist/background vocalist of Whiskeytown. It features Ryan Adams, and so is vintage Whiskeytown at its finest. You can buy it on iTunes. It only costs 99 cents, which is essentially free (if you round down).
Best line: You mine for silver / I pan for gold. For eight words, that sure says a lot.
Alex Dupree played a house show at Will's tonight. It was amazing. I wish I could post some of his music, but I can't, on account of my inability to find any. The show might very well become the stuff of legend. I would have loved the music without the words, I would have loved the words without the music; combined I just sat there dreading the end. The banjo and mandolin didn't hurt either. I'll let you all know the next time he has a show (house or otherwise).
Anyone that went care to write any legend-esque tales about the night?
Brett you are such a music snob. Yet, I think you are very proud of this shameful fact. Nonetheless, I cast a look of disrespect in your direction.
PS You are funny, so I will forgive you.
PPS My staff team that hung out with you in Midland, think you are cool. I told them that I've known you are cool for a long time.
Brett I think you are wrong. While I think Pneumonia is good, there are many people who still have good taste in music that do not like it. Here are two reasons why even the most discerning of music listeners may not enjoy Whiskeytown.
One, music is too diverse to say that if you dont like this specific genre, then you arent a true music fan. For instance, are you a classical piano fan? I would assume that you would agree classical piano is good music, maybe that classical music in general has no equal. However, would you or I be able to name our favorite Rachmaninov piece? I think we both know the answer to that. The thing is, music cannot really be categorized as either good or not. Don't get me wrong there is some music like alot of pop that is terrible. There is just too much music, which leads to #2.
Being a music fan of a certain group or genre of music is all about choice. If you try to listen to all the good music, just in our lifetime you will quickly be overwhelmed. You will either not let that stuff sink in, or you will turn into a hermit who only listens to music in which case all these songs about life and interactions will make no sense anymore. One example, I dont listen to Elton John. For one I think he is too poppy, but the main reason is just because I have never given any of his albums the time for me to really appreciate them. I know alot of people who really like him, and I have to say I think some of his songs I have heard are good. But I just havent, and probably never will, choose to be an Elton John fan.
So thats it. I am at work and bored.
good point. well put. i sometimes even find myself worrying that there is really good music out there (or books or movies or even people) that i don't know about. that's kind of weird.
we live in a world of lots and lots of choices, which can often be more debilitating than freeing. it's important to be able to enjoy the music you have and like. to let music be a proper part of your life without it consuming you.
that said, i wouldn't know about most of the bands or albums that are currently my favorites apart from the fervent recommendations of other people. it's hard to really love anything without championing it before other people. if i like something it tends to come up in conversation.
maybe casting looks of disrespect is a bit much, but saying Pneumonia is really good didn't seem like saying enough. what this blog lacks in emotional expression it makes up for with hyperbole.
check out Whiskeytown's Pneumonia, sometime, when you're looking for something new but not sure what.
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