sad accordions make me feel happy

I saw The Sad Accordions play earlier tonight. I must say, I'm a fan. I cannot tell a lie.
An album is in the works and on the way, but for now take a listen to an early mix of the track The West on their myspace:
The Sad Accordions - The West
"Your heart is heavy
We won't be here forever
The night holds no pleasure
We're tangled in the whether
Your fire burns unsteady
Alight but not much better
We go it for the most part
Alone but still together"
In other music thought, the back-to-back-to-back trio of I'll Be On The Water, Running, Returning, and Afford on the Akron/Family Self-Titled album is definitely in my top five all time of back-to-back-to-back songs on an album. Such a great use of soft/loud, such great patience/pacing.