a dead blog is a healthy blog.
Now that I've driven you all away from my blog by not posting for six weeks (out of the country) and then posting a few times (being a tease) and then not posting for a few more weeks, I feel free to say whatever it is I'm thinking. No one to impress, no one to listen, just me and my thoughts all alone...for everyone with a computer to read. Who am I kidding? Definitely myself.

Well by way of explanation I'm going to give you some possible reasons my blog is dying. It's going to be in the form of a multiple choice question, because I've been conditioned to think that life is really a multiple-choice test, and that I just need to find the answer key.
Feel free to vote, or to just not care. I'll try and post more... probably.
* Now we all know that other people can also prevent forest fires. In fact, once a forest fire is underway, it's probably best to let the professionals - with their masks and their shovels - handle it. Smokey is just trying to remind us that the best way to control forest fires is to stop them from ever happening in the first place. This responsibility is mine just as much as it is anyone elses, and I can really only control my own actions anyway. The buck stops here, if you will. Of course, there's always that guy wandering around the woods with a lit cigarette and a leaky can of gasoline. That's Smokey's problem.

Well by way of explanation I'm going to give you some possible reasons my blog is dying. It's going to be in the form of a multiple choice question, because I've been conditioned to think that life is really a multiple-choice test, and that I just need to find the answer key.
Why has Brett been content to disown his blog, as though it were dead to him?
A. Blogs have been trendy for a while and Brett only likes to be involved with trends when they first start. In fact Brett can hardly say or think the word "blog". It makes him cringe in the worst of ways.
B. Brett spent too much time out of the country, and doesn't feel like "anyone really knows him anymore," in fact he's not sure he "really knows himself anymore," either. His blog was just propping up the sinking ship that was the Brett of yesteryear. Sink ship, sink.
C. We live in the "Information Age" where there's lots and lots of, well, information. As a service to the rest of mankind, Brett has decided to stop informing people about things. There's just too much information out there, and if you're not a part of the solution you're just a part of the problem. As Smokey the Bear would say, "Only you can prevent forest
fires." *
D. Brett is dead.
E. Brett is lazy.
F. A & C
G. D & E
H. None of the above.
Feel free to vote, or to just not care. I'll try and post more... probably.
* Now we all know that other people can also prevent forest fires. In fact, once a forest fire is underway, it's probably best to let the professionals - with their masks and their shovels - handle it. Smokey is just trying to remind us that the best way to control forest fires is to stop them from ever happening in the first place. This responsibility is mine just as much as it is anyone elses, and I can really only control my own actions anyway. The buck stops here, if you will. Of course, there's always that guy wandering around the woods with a lit cigarette and a leaky can of gasoline. That's Smokey's problem.
You whole heartedly plug "X&Y"? Hmmm...not their best stuff.
I do, however, agree with your praise of Illinois...I'm addicted to that one right now.
Chris- I actually only half-heartedly plug "X&Y", I agree - not their best stuff. Lyrics bordering on (and often crashing right into) cheesy, a bit boring in spots, not emotionally grabbing like A Rush of Blood to the Head.
All that to say that it's not terrible. Personally, I like "Fix You" , "Speed of Sound", "A Message", and "Swallowed in the Sea".
Anyway, I apologize for the lying, and will update my list accordingly.
After some thought, I guess I'd vote for F, though I may not have used your words exactly.
Still, it's kind of like smoking: an addiction, yes, but mostly because the bad crowd keeps encouraging it...and really, it just goes well with a cup of coffee.
-Steph (yes, I am still reading your blog, and I have nothing else to say for myself)
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