Cup of Joe Peet's.

Today's partaking of Peet's Coffee was a medium Ethiopian Fancy (no room for cream):
"Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and it is still grown there in much the same way it was centuries ago. The flavors of Ehtiopian coffee are virtually untarnished by modern agricultural methods, and it is interesting to note that these coffees, grown exclusively by smallholders in outlying villages, are 100% organic.
Ehtiopian coffee can be described as medium-bodied and full of flavor, and from the best lots you get a tangy, pungent brew with a lingering floral - almost perfumy - aroma. The floral aromatic characteristics are easily noted in the freshly ground coffee as well. Our Ethiopian coffee is from Yirgacheffe, a region within the district of Sidamo."
Coffee with a floral aroma, does it get any better than that? My coffee drinking experience was substantially affected by the fact that Will managed to spill a good portion of his brew. Though I physically felt his pain (empathy or sympathy?), the incident made me appreciate every last drop of my Ethiopian Fancy.
Thursday, I partook in a medium cup of Peet's Ethiopian variety. I must say that floral, etc. was not what I tasted.
I know my coffee, and I know that Ethiopin tends to go to more of an "earthy" flavor. And earthy was my cup. The last few sips went down with an almost dirt-like finish. Don't take this to mean that I'm saying, "Peet's tastes like DIRT!" Quite the opposite, actually. It tasted like soil. Like life.
Yay Peet's!
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