don't sneeze on me.
You might remember how I was sick(ly) the other week. Well I'm feeling great now, but it seems being sick continues to make the rounds, with consequences both devastating and slightly amusing. My friend Jimmy Miller came down with the flu about the same time I was feeling less than stellar. This flu bout of his is best seen in his attempt to write down both the name and phone number of a kind person subbing for him on his radio show :

First of all, I find it extremely interesting (weird) that of all of the possible places to write down a person's name and phone number that Jimmy chose the sticky part of a film processing drop-off envelope. Now, the actual name he was attempting to write down was Kelly Greene. Jimmy definitely wrote down Kekeklllyy Graneeneep, and only about half of her phone number. All that to say, don't get sick.
Also, you should not get me sick. I learned a new trick last night to avoid a sneeze when you feel one coming on: look at a bright light. Of course you can also hold your finger under your nose and apply a slight amount of pressure. There. No reason whatsoever to sneeze on me.
It turns out that today is my birthday. The tenth day of March back in the one-thousand and eighty-second year of our Lord marked the beginning of this one. I don't tend to publicize my birthday; I mean what's in a day? A day by any other name would still be as sweet, I figure. I guess though that some sort of good times are in order, which I will provide to all:
Ryan Adams - Miss Sunflower
This is an unreleased song off of an unreleased album entitled Suicide Handbook. I woke up this morning with this song in my head, and I'm not really sure why b/c I can't have listened to it more than three times, none more recent than a month ago... I'm going to chalk it up as birthday destiny.

First of all, I find it extremely interesting (weird) that of all of the possible places to write down a person's name and phone number that Jimmy chose the sticky part of a film processing drop-off envelope. Now, the actual name he was attempting to write down was Kelly Greene. Jimmy definitely wrote down Kekeklllyy Graneeneep, and only about half of her phone number. All that to say, don't get sick.
Also, you should not get me sick. I learned a new trick last night to avoid a sneeze when you feel one coming on: look at a bright light. Of course you can also hold your finger under your nose and apply a slight amount of pressure. There. No reason whatsoever to sneeze on me.
It turns out that today is my birthday. The tenth day of March back in the one-thousand and eighty-second year of our Lord marked the beginning of this one. I don't tend to publicize my birthday; I mean what's in a day? A day by any other name would still be as sweet, I figure. I guess though that some sort of good times are in order, which I will provide to all:
Ryan Adams - Miss Sunflower
This is an unreleased song off of an unreleased album entitled Suicide Handbook. I woke up this morning with this song in my head, and I'm not really sure why b/c I can't have listened to it more than three times, none more recent than a month ago... I'm going to chalk it up as birthday destiny.
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