So the under the weather man has moved into my life, completely uninvited. He brings with him sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever... and I have to buy all of my own medicine.

My friend Melody refers to being sick as being sickly, which I like. Sickly kind of takes the edge off.
I've developed what I feel to be a fail-proof getting better plan. It's a four-pronged approach sure to cure any and all ills.
[1] Do not admit to being sick. Sickness is fought not just on a physical level, it's also a mental battle. Remember that weakly train attempting to make it up that huge hill? The odds were set firmly against that little engine that could, and yet a reverberating "I think I can" got her over the top. It's the same with being sick. "I think I'm not sick," can be a health maker. [The only exception to this is when you're looking for a little well placed sympathy. Sympathy can be extremely valuable in the getting better game, and so it's ok to temporarily admit sickness to garner it.]
[2] Vitamin C. Apparently this makes you better. Not sure why... but it's one of those 4 out of 5 doctors things, so I don't question it. Orange Juice, Halls Defense Vitamin C cough drops, Clementines, the O.C. (a whole different kind of vitamin)... basically ingest as much of the stuff as you possibly can. I'm not sure if you can OD on vitamins, but I'm about to find out.
[3] Tea. It's all warm and smooth going down your throat. Perfect to counteract the cold, clumpy, mucus that is hanging out back there. I'm committed to the tea. I even substituted my Peet's coffee of the day for Peet's tea: Jasmine fancy.
[4] Eisley. It's hard to feel sick when you're listening to Eisley. Upbeat, ethereal;listening to Eisley transports me to this whole other not sick world. I've primarily been rocking Vintage People and Tree Tops, but I'm pretty sure any of their catalogue would work just fine.
Frankly though, this world is not about me. Good things happen, bad things happen, regardless of my sicklyness.
Which good things you ask? Blink 182 broke up today. (Has there ever been a legitimately good band with a number as part of their name? I submit Sum 41 and Maroon 5 as evidence to the contrary.)
Which bad things you ask? The Jayhawks also called it quits today. Check this out by way of eulogy:
The Jayhawks - "Waiting for the Sun" [care of stereogum]

My friend Melody refers to being sick as being sickly, which I like. Sickly kind of takes the edge off.
I've developed what I feel to be a fail-proof getting better plan. It's a four-pronged approach sure to cure any and all ills.
[1] Do not admit to being sick. Sickness is fought not just on a physical level, it's also a mental battle. Remember that weakly train attempting to make it up that huge hill? The odds were set firmly against that little engine that could, and yet a reverberating "I think I can" got her over the top. It's the same with being sick. "I think I'm not sick," can be a health maker. [The only exception to this is when you're looking for a little well placed sympathy. Sympathy can be extremely valuable in the getting better game, and so it's ok to temporarily admit sickness to garner it.]
[2] Vitamin C. Apparently this makes you better. Not sure why... but it's one of those 4 out of 5 doctors things, so I don't question it. Orange Juice, Halls Defense Vitamin C cough drops, Clementines, the O.C. (a whole different kind of vitamin)... basically ingest as much of the stuff as you possibly can. I'm not sure if you can OD on vitamins, but I'm about to find out.
[3] Tea. It's all warm and smooth going down your throat. Perfect to counteract the cold, clumpy, mucus that is hanging out back there. I'm committed to the tea. I even substituted my Peet's coffee of the day for Peet's tea: Jasmine fancy.
[4] Eisley. It's hard to feel sick when you're listening to Eisley. Upbeat, ethereal;listening to Eisley transports me to this whole other not sick world. I've primarily been rocking Vintage People and Tree Tops, but I'm pretty sure any of their catalogue would work just fine.
Frankly though, this world is not about me. Good things happen, bad things happen, regardless of my sicklyness.
Which good things you ask? Blink 182 broke up today. (Has there ever been a legitimately good band with a number as part of their name? I submit Sum 41 and Maroon 5 as evidence to the contrary.)
Which bad things you ask? The Jayhawks also called it quits today. Check this out by way of eulogy:
The Jayhawks - "Waiting for the Sun" [care of stereogum]
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